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A structured approach to geographical information in coastal research and management

TitleA structured approach to geographical information in coastal research and management
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsTolvanen, H, Kalliola, R
JournalOcean Coast. Mgmt.
Keywordscoastal GIS, GIS and oceanography, ICAN, web atlases

In coastal areas different views, strategies, policies, practices and technologies about digital spatial data need to be viewed comprehensively. We propose a structured approach to enhance the use of geographical information in coastal applications in three different levels. The building of a Coastal Geographic Information System involves a clear determination of the specific information needs and user groups that correspond to the coastal area in question, and furthermore their evaluation prior to the actual implementation of the system. Second, primary coastal data can be effectively converted into coastal knowledge through enhanced conceptualisation, data combinations and spatial modelling, gaining better spatial data contents to facilitate research, administration and management. Third, Coastal Spatial Data Infrastructures should be promoted to facilitate inter-institutional collaboration and information sharing. The structured approach is presented using the case of the southwest Finnish archipelago coast as an example area.