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Optimizing remote sensing and GIS tools for mapping and managing the distribution of an invasive mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) on south Molokai, Hawaii

TitleOptimizing remote sensing and GIS tools for mapping and managing the distribution of an invasive mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) on south Molokai, Hawaii
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsD'iorio, M, Jupiter, SD, Cochran, SA, Potts, DC
JournalMar. Geod.Mar. Geod.Mar. Geod.
KeywordsGIS and oceanography, AVIRIS, ASTER, aerial photography, habitat mapping, classification accuracy, alien species management, red mangrove, ANOVA, satellite remote sensing

In 1902, the Florida red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle L., was introduced to the
island of Molokai, Hawaii, and has since colonized nearly 25% of the south coast
shoreline. By classifying three kinds of remote sensing imagery, we compared abilities to
detect invasive mangrove distributions and to discriminate mangroves from surrounding
terrestrial vegetation. Using three analytical techniques, we compared mangrove
mapping accuracy for various sensor-technique combinations. ANOVA of accuracy
assessments demonstrated significant differences among techniques, but no significant
differences among the three sensors. We summarize advantages and disadvantages
of each sensor and technique for mapping mangrove distributions in tropical coastal

Short TitleMarine GeodesyMarine Geodesy
Alternate JournalMarine Geodesy