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Multiscale terrain analysis of multibeam bathymetry data for habitat mapping on the continental slope

TitleMultiscale terrain analysis of multibeam bathymetry data for habitat mapping on the continental slope
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsWilson, MFJ, O'Connell, B, Brown, C, Guinan, JC, Grehan, AJ
JournalMar. Geod.Mar. Geod.Mar. Geod.
Keywordscontinental slope, BTM (Benthic Terrain Modeler), BPI (bathymetric position index), TPI, terrain modeling, teaching, GEO 580, GIS and oceanography, mapping scale, seafloor, geologic habitat, interpretation, classification, GIS, Multibeam bathymetry, terrain analysis, scale, habitat suitability modelling,

Multibeam surveys can provide detailed bathymetry data for the continental slope from
which quantitative descriptors of the seabed terrain (e.g., slope) may be obtained. We
illustrate the value of these descriptors for benthic habitat mapping, and highlight the
advantages of multiscale analysis. We examine the application of these descriptors as
predictor variables for species distribution models, which are particularly valuable in
the deep sea where opportunities to directly survey the benthic fauna remain limited. Our
initial models are encouraging and suggest that wider adoption of these methods may
assist the delivery of ecologically relevant information to marine resource managers.

Short TitleMarine GeodesyMarine Geodesy
Alternate JournalMarine Geodesy