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The ARGO system: A reliable real-time, wide-area optical and acoustic seafloor mapping system (abstract)

TitleThe ARGO system: A reliable real-time, wide-area optical and acoustic seafloor mapping system (abstract)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsGallo, DG, Bowen, A, Bowen, M, Crook, T, Elder, R, Gegg, S, Gleason, D, Martin, D, Stewart, WK, Tupper, G, Weiman, R, Yoerger, D
JournalEOS Trans. AGUEOS Trans. AGUEOS Trans. AGU
Short TitleEOS Transactions of the American Geophysical UnionEOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union
Alternate JournalEOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union