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An ocean of possibilities: Applications and challenges of marine geomorphometry

TitleAn ocean of possibilities: Applications and challenges of marine geomorphometry
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsLecours, V, Dolan, MFJ, Lucieer, VL, Micallef, A
EditorJ., J, Zb., Z, H., M, T., H
Book TitleGeomorphometry for Geosciences
PublisherInstitute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, International Society for Geomorphometry
CityAdam Mickiewicz University in PoznaƄ
Keywordsbenthic habitat, BTM, Geomorphic seabed classes, Geomorphological mapping, geomorphometry, GIS and oceanography, seafloor geomorphology

An increase in the use of geomorphometry in the
marine environment has occurred in the last decade. This has
been fueled by a dramatic increase in digital bathymetric data,
which have become widely available as digital terrain models
(DTM) at a variety of spatial resolutions. Despite many
similarities, the nature of the input DTM is slightly different than
terrestrial DTM. This gives rise to different sources of
uncertainties in bathymetric data from various sources that will
have particular implications for geomorphometric analysis. With
this contribution, we aim to raise awareness of applications and
challenges of marine geomorphometry.