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Halpern et al. reply to "Is the ocean food provision index biased?"

TitleHalpern et al. reply to "Is the ocean food provision index biased?"
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsHalpern, BS, Gaines, SD, Kleisner, K, Longo, C, Pauly, D, Rosenberg, AA, Samhouri, JF, Zeller, D
PaginationE7, doi:10.1038/nature11975
Keywordsconservation, marine protected areas, MPA, sanctuaries, health index, GIS and oceanography, Conservation International, Esri, COMPASS, National Geographic, Ocean GIS initiative, environmental science

Branch et al.1 suggest that the fisheries component of our ocean health
and benefits index2 is ‘biased’. We contend that our approach is no
more biased than their alternative, and that our method improves on
theirs in three fundamental ways: it provides a score for every country,
accounts for thousands of data-poor stocks, and incorporates sustainability
more comprehensively.

Alternate JournalNature